BIG DATA ANALYTICS - Cloud e partners

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The Cloud & Partners Business Intelligence Software - Big Data and Analytics was born with the aim of designing and implementing value-added solutions to transform the company's information assets into a competitive advantage.
The service offerings are at the forefront of technology and cover the entire market landscape; covers all phases relating to the activity of a project, which are described in summary below:
·         analysis;
·         Technological architecture;
·         Design and prototype;
·         Test and inspection;
·         Implementation;
·         Assistance and training.

Cloud & Partners adopts the Agile Business Intelligence methodology. This methodology allows to reduce the time necessary to visualize the data in the dashboards and allows to adapt quickly to the customer's needs through a process of constant improvement of the solutions adopted.

This model combines flexibility and specialization and the dynamism typical of small structures, with the design and organizational capacity of a large entity.
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